Friday, January 1, 2010

Is Wine a Crime?

It's a common sight to see that folks coming out of American evangelicalism or "fundamentalism" into a more Reformational or "catholic" manifestation of Christian culture let it be visible that they use alcohol.  (And, by they way, in many cases, they always did, even if they were in "fundamentalism," but they just didn't let it be known.)

I think it's useful and spiritually healthy that proper use of alcoholic beverages in great moderation be acceptable in our Christian culture, and be considered a normal, valuable and God-given part of the enjoyment of life.

But, there's the rub.  So often, the visible use which I see nowadays in the company of other believers is often giddy.  It's as if children, freed from the non-alcoholic restrictions of "fundamentalist" childhood, are now throwing off the shackles and youthfully celebrating their liberty, rather than showing the quiet demeanor of maturity, with gratitude to God.

It's only the latter attitude which shows true deliverance from "legalism" about this subject.


  1. Thats a fantastic observation ! I've gone from one extreme growning up an RC (drink till you drop), to another in fundamentalism (alcohol is evil)and then to the Biblical/Reformed view that I currently hold to (moderation). I agree that the maturity (or lack there of) among the Reformed, that I've been around, old and young alike leaves alot to be desired. "Giddy" and "like children" hit the nail on the head.

  2. Good stuff Boyd. Wine makes the heart of man glad, and sometimes very glad, but drunkenness is a crime.

  3. Reviewed. Controversial but retained.
