It has been maintained that the holiness, righteousness and glory of God is far higher than anything revealed even in his Holy Law.
It has been maintained that, before the Lord, even the holiness of the unfallen angels is inadequate.
This divine "extra" is certainly associated with the essential separateness of the divine essence of the Triune God from all his creation, but this is not all that is meant by this divine "extra."
We know that Christ overcame death -- a death mandated by the Law. But, in overcoming death, the text of The Epistle to the Romans, Chapter 7:4-6 is clear that we, though now living, still remain "dead to the Law." We are not simply delivered from its curse, but are also delivered into a new resurrection life -- a new way of life before God, married to Christ and producing his fruit by his whole Word and Spirit -- not just a renewed life under the Law.
We have a higher life than the Law could ever have delivered to even the unfallen Adam in the original creation. We are in the New Creation. We have been delivered into this creation by the divine power of the God-Man, Jesus Christ, in his death, burial, resurrection and session at the right hand of God. And, we are in this New Creation only because we are in him, the God-Man.
By our union with Christ we receive entrance into a righteousness that is higher than the Law, and have a level of fellowship with God which is higher than any revealed in the First Creation -- a level of fellowship unknown to the angels, and which they must learn about by watching and caring for us!
Reviewed and retained.