A good understanding of the doctrine of Romans 1 and Acts 17 explains why the atheistic cry is so hot these days. The stronger the evidence for creation, that is, for God, the stronger the atheistic backlash. This is because the natural tendency of man is to reject the knowledge of the Creator. The more that knowledge is forced upon him by scientific discoveries, the more he reacts against that knowledge of God which is conveyed to him by those discoveries. Rather than seeing the hand of God in the infinite complexity of the universe (or DNA, or trees), he rebels and sees nothing, even to his own moral and logical destruction. The illogicality of all this has been explained a million times. But, this is not a logical problem. The more the universe screams "God," the more the atheist screams "No." It's just a given.
I heard a story that a famous atheist stepped into a famous church somewhere, and pontificated amusingly on his famous atheism by saying that he didn't just disbelieve in God; rather, he hated him!
So, now we have the "atheist argument for the existence of God" to add to our list of proofs!! LOL*
Boyd Murrah, BA (Physics), Rice University, 1965.
* For those who are not up to speed on this acronym, it means "Lots Of Laughs"
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