Recents events -- the Royal Wedding -- call out different responses from different folks. It's good in the midst of all the sentiment and adverse or neutral response to regain some kind of Biblical perspective.
1) The government is a monarchy -- Jesus Christ is King.
It's necessary to remember that this King -- eternal God the Son -- is also one of us, virgin born of a woman, born under law, yet without sin. Our King has died -- truly, glassy-eyed dead -- under the curse due our sin and the attacks of Satan, and yet by divine power he has has returned to life -- life eternal, in total harmony with his divine nature, no longer subject to death, and he has triumphed over the devil and all dark powers, and risen to the right hand of God the Father, where this Man reigns over heaven and earth!
Christ has died!
Christ has risen!
Christ will come again!
On the day of reward, justice and judgment, the divine royalty of the God-man will be visible to every eye.
2) Our monarch, God the Son, marries.
The wedding supper of our Lamb, a never-ending feast of glory, awaits us. And, we who believe in him are the bride! Even now we are one with him through baptism! Even now, we are inhabited by his Spirit! Even now, spiritually, we sit with him on his throne!
In the day of fulfillment the royal wedding glory of the majesty of the Lamb will overpower us, when we see him as he is! If we saw his glory now, we would die from it, but in that day we will be able to drink in never-ending drafts of it forever and ever.
The faded memory and dim promise of this royal hope still stirs somewhere in the hearts of all our race, even in the hearts of those who reject kings -- or who reject the one, true King of Glory. But, blessed are all those who trust in him!
Reviewed and retained.