Thursday, April 29, 2010

Church Life in the Scriptures

We're accustomed to read the Scriptures for all sorts of doctrinal and practical reasons.  But, I strongly suspect that our reading is often individualistic.  What I mean is this:  We concentrate in our Bible reading and studies on how we may individually reform the attitudes of our hearts, and how we may derive the best rules for behavior in our personal lives.  We also find, of course, direction for the official aspects of church organization and worship, and also for how we ought to run our families, raise our children, and otherwise conduct our private lives.

But what about church life -- that is, the corporate activity of the church that takes place outside of worship.  What does the Scripture say about "programs," potlucks, or even simply about Christian friendship and personal communion in fellowship over spiritual things?

I suspect that we don't read the Scripture much exactly from this angle.

This is a project I plan to take up.  Will you join me in it?

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