Sunday, July 24, 2011

Holy Catholic Church

It's important, especially in the Reformed theological context, to think about the origins of the Covenant of Grace, especially as it is revealed in the Covenant with Abraham (Gen. 12, 15, 17, 22).  We find that this covenant, with its prophesied innumerable offspring and great Seed (Christ), is the prototype and model for the New Covenant, based in the work of Christ.  As such, the prototype made with Abraham is a pattern for certain elements of the New Covenant.

We find that the Abrahamic Covenant requires the circumcision of Abraham and his (male) offspring, and that this circumcision is made in hope of the Seed (Christ) to come.  We also find that this circumcision is the sign and seal of justification by faith alone (Rom 4).  Therefore, the model of the application of circumcision is the model of the application of Baptism in the New Covenant (Col 2:11-12).

Now the Covenant with Abraham created the People of God.  That People was created on the basis of Abraham's faith.  It is a family of old and young, sustained by God down through the generations.  But, not all the heirs of Abraham had the faith that Abraham had (Rom 9:6ff).  Nevertheless that People was all marked off from the world by the Covenant of Circumcision, circumcision representing the conversion of heart associated with faith like Abraham's.  Therefore, the People of God are holy as a body, but not always all holy as individuals, having the circumcision of the heart (male and female).  As a consequence there was frequent judgment during times of disobedience and apostasy, ultimately even exile from the Land.  But, the Covenant remained and still remains for God's People, even in view of the judgment.  There will be both judgment and restoration.  This all happens in Christ.

Just as the People of God in old times were a people separate from the world, professing the True God, so are the People of God in our day.  God the Father has special care over this people, the catholic and apostolic church of believers, which is found in all churches which preach the Word and administer the Sacraments in a Scriptural and godly way.

We conclude then that God's Power to redeem will be shown in this worldwide People, regardless of the depths to which they sink, and that the families of the earth will be blessed, in accordance with the promise made to Abraham, all by the power of God.

So, who are Christians?  They are the People of God, identified with the profession of his Name in Baptism.  Are they every one individually converted, that is, spiritually born again in such a way that they show forth the fruit of the Spirit of Christ in them?  They are not.  However, they are the people of God, over whom he rules in both judgment and grace.  Judgment begins at the house of God, and the disobedient and apostate are weeded out.  Yet, also, in that self-same household and family we find the salvation of our souls in true and living faith.

Pay attention to the Apostles' and Nicene Creeds.  They all say that we believe in God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, and we believe the Catholic and Apostolic church!  This Holy Catholic Church, the People of God, is a Body important enough to be mentioned in the essential creeds of the church along with the Holy Trinity!

This church is the Household and Family of God, built by God, affirmed in the Creeds, and is no optional fellowship created by mere associations of believers.

May God grant that we pay proper respect to the wonder and glory of our participation in this Body!

1 comment:

  1. Reviewed and retained, though a sharper focus on the thesis is justified.
