It's hard, from our lowly position in God's World, to envision how our attitude toward this world should be shaped, unless our vision is shaped by God's Word. In that Word there is certainly a lowly vision of ourselves, as servants, even slaves of God, living by the rule that the last shall be first, and that the greatest is the servant of all, and that our hope is in resurrection. But, behind this Godly lowliness is the Godly vision of the human race on the Throne of Heaven. It is all in Christ, of course. But how little do we ponder how he rose to heaven's throne in our nature. Of course, we believe he is a real human being. But, don't forget: We are in him! In him, we are risen and seated there! Think of yourself on that throne! What is your perspective on the world's business as you sit on that throne? What do you think of all the outward excellence in the world, even if it came to the Christian dominion of all the world's business? Is this vision of the government of this age ultimately worthy of your position? Is this what you are co-ruling with Christ to bring about? No. Isn't the current vision of Christian dominion in this age a sanctified Enlightenment, Western 19th-century liberal, upper-middle class, educated vision, which is successful in business, science, liberal arts and politics? Is this really a Christian vision? Most of the believers in this world have not, and up to now cannot, share this vision because of "backwardness," "lack of progress," and persecution. No. They have a higher vision. Even if you told them of the Western Enlightenment vision that God's dominion might eventually bring to them, would they truly look forward to it? Would it replace the Eternal Vision? No. It would be a seduction.
We must be grateful to God in his providence for the excellencies of our earthly life, and the seeming successes of our Christian efforts, but these are not in themselves God's Kingdom, though they bear traces and signs of it. But, God's Kingdom is far higher than these things. We should think again, how the last shall be first, and the lowest shall be highest, and the least will be the greatest, and how the cross will triumph through his suffering servants, and God's Kingdom -- the one that really is his -- will one day, when all cares of this earth are past -- shine forth in eternal glory, in the fellowship of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Seeing this now, we shall have power.
Reviewed and retained.