Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Facts and Vision

We're so used to trying to apply the truth of God's Grace in Christ as "factoids" from his Word, that we may not perceive in those facts the vision of the Glory of God which gives true and abiding faith in the facts.  Knowing the facts of God's Grace toward us raises us, but not without a vision of His glory seen through them.  Faith in the good things God does for us -- that is, reliance on a list of good ideas about Him in which we attempt to put our trust -- is no substitute for a living vision of the Living Word in the Word, Who gives us the power to believe His divine promises.  Seeing who He is -- through the gift of the Spirit bringing repentance and faith -- fills the promises with power.

This vision comes in worship -- usually corporate worship.  Without it, we are nothing.  But, in true worship, with unveiled faces we behold His glory and are changed into his image!

May you find Spirit-filled corporate worship in Word and Sacrament -- worship that points to the glory of the Triune God, and especially to Christ as Mediator between God and Man!

1 comment:

  1. Good post Boyd. Worship is something I have been thinking on a bit myself. I like the part about putting our faith in a list of facts especially. It made m think of a friend of mine who was talking to a Jehovah's Witness who asked him if he trusted the Bible. My friend thought about it for a minuet and said " I trust Jesus". Of course he didn't answer the question but he made a pretty good point.
